
Promoting an Event? Here’s What to Do

Living in the fast-paced, non-stop world we live in can be both rewarding and challenging. But that fast-paced, non-stop style can help you when it comes to promoting or marketing a special event that’s upcoming. There are a thousand different ways to get your information across to people and to pique their interest, and here are just a few of them for you to dig through.

Flyers and Posters

  • Local Businesses – This may seem a little outdated or too traditional, but there is still a market out there to be reached through flyer printing or posters being put up locally. Some people aren’t as active either online or on social media as others, so there is a demographic to be reached out to. You can aim at distributing them in local hotspots, such as coffee shops, local businesses, and even community centres or sports facilities.
  • Public Spaces – Aim to get your posters placed in areas with higher traffic (with traffic jams preferably) so that more eyes get to see what you have to offer.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Ads – Look at targeting potential customers through the biggest and most popular social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter (or X. Is it X? I’m confused now), Facebook all have huge numbers of people to be reached out to. Animals even have social media these days, although I have no idea if you are promoting an ‘animal-friendly’ event, so that’s on you. Click here for more information.
  • Create Event Pages – All of the above social media sites can be used to promote what you have to offer by creating detailed event pages, with more information than you can shake a stick at. Use it to your advantage.
  • Influencers – What can I say, they influence stuff. Maybe look to team up with important influencers within your area, to spread the word and attract attention to your event.

Content Marketing

  • Videos – Creating videos and shorts to post online can really drive interest, and help gather pace with regards to interest generated with your upcoming event. You can share them on video platforms, such as YouTube, social media sites, and your event page. Make it engaging, and really catch the eyes of potential customers.
  • Blog Posts – By posting blogs, you can guide people through the various stages of preparation leading up to the event, and really engage and make people feel involved and connected to what is going to take place. Give out useful information about what will be happening in your event, what the main points are, and make it as interesting as possible.

Email Marketing

email marketing
  • Newsletter – Where would we be without good old, reliable email? Still a great tool to be used to reach out and garner interest and discussion about the event you are promoting, so by sending out regular and interesting updates to your email list, you can drive interest and help it become more successful. You could even add things such as key event details, early bird discounts (who doesn’t love a discount), and other incentives.
  • Personalised Invitations – Why not go one step further, and send individual invitations to important attendees and VIPs? This way, by getting big names on board, and coming along to your event, you can include this in public newsletters to make the event even more amazing and explosive.

Putting the word out there about something that you are promoting is key, and it’s important to try and cover all the key demographics. By using various outlets, you can do this, and make that upcoming event all the more special.

Collaborative Ventures

Establish collaborations with entities that share a connection with your event’s theme. This approach not only broadens your reach but also lends credibility through association. Encourage your partners to promote the event to their networks, enhancing visibility across diverse groups. This reciprocal promotion serves both parties by expanding their audience base.

Interactive Campaigns

Initiate interactive campaigns such as contests or giveaways to spark interest and conversation around your event. Leverage your digital platforms to host these campaigns, offering rewards like exclusive access or special merchandise. This strategy helps in drawing attention and encourages potential attendees to engage with your event-related content actively.

Outreach Initiatives

Outreach Initiatives

Connect with community leaders and local groups who might resonate with the purpose of your event. Target educational institutions, hobby clubs, and non-profits for a broader community involvement. Engaging these groups can turn them into event advocates, spreading word more effectively within their circles.

Engagement After the Event

Create a plan to maintain contact with attendees after the event concludes. Send appreciation emails, request feedback through surveys, and offer incentives for future events. This follow-up keeps your audience engaged and provides critical insights for improving future events.

Utilizing SEO and Content Marketing

Optimize your online content with SEO strategies to increase the visibility of your event. Publish articles, blog posts, and press releases that include relevant keywords to improve your search engine ranking. Moreover, content marketing can help inform potential attendees about the significance of your event and any exciting activities planned, which can drive online engagement and ticket sales.

Venue Decoration and Signage

Give thought to the decor and signage at your event venue. Effective signage not only guides attendees efficiently but also enhances the overall aesthetic of your event. Consider creative themes and decorations that resonate with the event’s purpose and make the space inviting and memorable for attendees.

Training for Staff and Volunteers

Training for Staff and Volunteers

Ensure that your staff and volunteers are well-prepared for the event. Conduct training sessions to familiarize them with the event’s schedule, key activities, and any special instructions related to guest services. A well-informed team can provide better assistance to attendees, contributing to a smoothly run event.

Accessibility Considerations

Make your event inclusive by considering accessibility needs. Ensure that the venue is accessible to people with disabilities, and consider services like sign language interpretation or audio descriptions if needed. Inclusivity not only broadens your potential audience but also reflects positively on your organizational values.