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Small Forehead? There’s a Procedure for That: Forehead Augmentation

About a third of the face is taken up by the forehead. Most individuals don’t give much thought to their foreheads, yet their size and form may have an impact on the entire aspect of their face. Face masculinity and face femininity are determined by the shape of a person’s forehead.

In terms of hairlines, males and women have distinct differences.

Forehead structure is characterized by an arching line that runs from the eyebrow to supra-orbital ridges (the ridge of bone just above the eyes and nasal bridge). Temporalis muscles link the temporal ridges on either side of the forehead.

Males and Females


Males have a higher forehead, more angles, and a ridge of bone that lies just above the eyebrow, as a matter of thumb. The browbone is a major feature for those with flat foreheads and high hairlines who want a more pronounced brow bone.

Compared to males, women’s foreheads tend to be shorter and more delicate. Women who are thinking about getting a brow lift frequently want a more rounded or angular brow.

Aesthetic Preferences and Cultural Customs


Because beauty standards vary from culture to culture, ethnicity may also play an influence. Personal tastes must also be taken into account. Typically, forehead augmentation is used to treat one or more of the following issues:

  • Middle-of-the-forehead flatness or thinning
  • Slanting of the head’s forehead
  • Protruding brows that are overly prominent or pronounced
  • Forehead deformation or hollowness
  • An excessively broad or narrow forehead

When seen from the side, your own forehead’s ‘flaws’ are more apparent. If you’re aiming for a thinner appearance at the bottom of your face, adding volume to the forehead might help create that effect.

What Surgical Options Are There?

To get a forehead augmentation, you must be in good health and able to endure surgery. The following is a brief comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the various surgical options.

  • There are silicone implants available


Because they may be designed by the surgeon before surgery, customized implants have become commonplace. Additionally, they may be readily undone if required.

Before the operation, an actual replica of the implant is manufactured and then inserted into the forehead via a tiny incision made near the hairline. These need just a little incision. Following surgery, the wound is closed and bandaged. Because 3D printing-assisted implants address the patient’s shapes and deliver balanced, tailored outcomes, they are becoming more popular.

  • Transplantation of fat

It is a safe and uncomplicated procedure that gives you a natural-looking result practically instantly. If you don’t need a lot of volumes, this is a fine option. Using a syringe, the fat is extracted from another portion of your body, such as your thighs or stomach.

With this strategy, there are two drawbacks. Over time, your forehead’s appearance may be altered when some of the fat is absorbed. A bulging, bloated or unnatural appearance might arise from using too much fat.

  • Cement for Bone

Not to worry if it sounds strange. Putty, rather than cement, is a more appropriate mental image to have in mind. osteoid is introduced via a hairline incision while still soft and pliable, making it easier for surgeons at Icloudhospital. to perform the procedure. It is then meticulously sculpted into the desired form. Stitching and hardening occur once it has been inserted.

What is the surgical procedure like?


It is not necessary to mark the patient for this treatment. Before surgery, hair gel is applied to the incision lines to keep the hair in place.

A scalp incision (coronal) may be used for these surgeries, which results in a scar that reaches over the ears. Endoscopic and limited access incisions may be beneficial to certain patients.

After Surgery, What to Expect

You won’t have to spend the night in the hospital if you get a forehead augmentation procedure done on an outpatient basis. General anesthesia is required for fast (approximately an hour) surgery. As with any operation, there are potential hazards, such as an adverse response to the anesthesia or infection.

You may resume your regular activities after a few days of surgery, and complete recovery usually takes a week to ten days. While you are recuperating, you may see some bruising or swelling around your eyelids. To have your sutures removed, you’ll most likely need to make another appointment with your doctor.

There are Non-Surgical Options: Fillers for the Face


For those who aren’t ready for surgery but still want to transform their forehead, there are a variety of additional solutions. Many individuals choose hyaluronic acids, which are often utilized to treat soft tissue augmentation, as their first option. A simple injection allows a doctor to easily module your face features, making them safe and effective.

Juvéderm and Restylane, two of the most often utilized chemicals, are likely already recognized by you. They’ve been around for a while and are known to be safe. If you wish to keep your results for an extended period, be aware that the injections will need to be performed regularly.

Fillers manufactured from polycaprolactone (PCL) microspheres have been studied for their safety and efficacy in forehead augmentation. In a limited trial, results were evaluated over up to two years after surgery. According to the results of the study, it is a viable choice for enhancing the appearance of the forehead since it is safe and has both immediate and long-term benefits.


It is possible to increase the size of the forehead in several different methods. Surgeons use a variety of procedures to conduct surgery on patients. Non-surgical treatments are also available, but they are less lasting and need regular maintenance. Before making a decision, always seek the advice of a professional.