In the digital era, privacy is increasingly important. Everyone wants to operate modern devices. Privacy is becoming more necessary. Everybody likes to secure their browsing activities. iPhone is well known as a protected device. Here, we will discuss private browsing on the iPhone in 2024.
What is private browsing?

Safety and privacy are essential parts of browsing. A particular feature in browsers is “incognito mode.” It allows users to surf the internet without tracking. Your device does not save browsing history, cookies, or other data. This feature is valuable if you use a public computer, often visit P2P (torrenting) sites, or do other online activities that require higher privacy.
Private browsing on the iPhone
People regard iPhone as one of the most protected devices in the world. High-status personalities do not compromise on privacy, so they use these devices. It works the same on iPhones as on other devices.
After activating private browsing features, the device does not store browsing history, cookies, or other data. It can enable, depending on the device used.
Web browsers’ native use of private browsing on the iPhone

Web browsers use private browsing on the iPhone. Private browsing features with different names exist in popular web browsers. Some examples are the following:
- The default web browser on the iPhone is Safari. This private browsing mode is “private browsing.” It prevents saving browsing history, cookies, or other browsing data. To access it, open Safari and tap on the tab switcher icon (the overlapping squares icon) at the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, tap on “Private” at the bottom left corner to open a new private browsing tab.
- Google Chrome also offers this mode, which is “incognito mode.” It also works the same as Safari but disables the browser extension. And doesn’t save the downloaded file.
- “Private Browsing with Tracking Protection” mode exists in Firefox. This mode prevents your browsing history and also blocks tracking cookies.
- Microsoft Edge also offers an “InPrivate” mode. It also works like other browser private modes.
Private browsing and incognito mode
Without saving your device’s activities, you can use both features. It prevents storing browsing history, cookies, and other data on your device.
The browser creates a temporary session while browsing. After a window is off, it deletes all temporary files created during browsing. It means someone using your device cannot view your browsing history.
It’s imperative that private browsing doesn’t wholly remove cookies and caches. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) can access your surfing activities through their server. They can scrutinize user activities through third-party programs.
Are alternatives to private browsing and incognito mode possible?

No doubt, an alternative of all things is possible in the universe. Mainly, private browsing protects your browsing history and cookies. The following alternative can be helpful if you want to keep your data secure worldwide.
Use of a VPN
VPN can hide your IP address and encrypt internet traffic from others. It also makes tracking your online activities extra challenging for third parties. VPN apps are straightforward to set up and use. Different VPN services are available, like NordVPN, Surfshark, etc.
Use browser extensions
During browsing the web, browser extensions help protect your privacy. For this task, different browser extensions are available. Adblock Plus and Adguard are two most known examples.
Use a private-focused web browser
When a session is off, several web browsers do more than delete the history. You can enjoy better privacy and security while surfing the web. Web browsers focus on user privacy by blocking tracking cookies and other activities.
Clear browsing history daily
Clearing browsing history helps if you don’t need a private browser. It deletes that device’s browsing history, cookies, and other data.
Tracking Prevention

Safari on iPhone incorporates Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), a feature designed to limit cross-site tracking. ITP uses machine learning algorithms to identify and block tracking cookies used by advertisers and websites to track your online behavior across different sites. This feature helps enhance your privacy by reducing the ability of websites to collect and track your data.
AutoFill and Keychain
In private browsing mode on an iPhone, the AutoFill feature and data stored in iCloud Keychain are not accessible. This means that any previously saved usernames, passwords, and other AutoFill information won’t be suggested or filled automatically while browsing privately. Additionally, any new login credentials or form data entered during private browsing won’t be saved to your Keychain.
Tab Isolation
Each private browsing tab in Safari on iPhone operates independently from regular browsing tabs. This means that any websites you visit or data you enter in a private tab are kept separate from your regular browsing session. It helps prevent websites from tracking your activity or accessing information from your non-private browsing sessions.
Search Suggestions
By default, Safari’s private browsing mode disables search suggestions. Search suggestions typically appear as you type in the search bar, providing autocomplete suggestions or displaying popular search queries. Disabling search suggestions helps maintain privacy by preventing your search queries from being transmitted to search engines or stored in your browsing history.
Is private browsing really possible on an iPhone?

It’s not easy to secure privacy. The private browser deletes your current session’s surfing information from your device. If you want to be safe online, use a VPN while online.
Private browsing is a helpful attribute for making your internet surfing activities secure. It also protects targeted ads, personal information, or sensitive content. It’s easy to use on the iPhone and can help protect online activities. Yet, private browsing doesn’t provide absolute protection. You should take other steps to secure your privacy and security.